Saint Lucia country flag lapel pin
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Saint Lucia country flag lapel pin

Saint Lucia country flag lapel pin

750 follows
Price $ 0.46 $ 0.35
Quantity 100-499 Pieces ≥500 Pieces


Saint Lucia Flag lapel pin

size: 0.75 inch,  soft enamel, with epoxy dome, backside with butterfly clutch. 


We have full range of country flag lapel pins. 

 The flag of Saint Lucia was opened on 1 March 1967 and updated on 22 February 2002. The national flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. Blue flag surface, the triangle pattern in the middle is composed of white, black and yellow figures, a black arrow with white edge and a yellow isosceles triangle. Blue represents the oceans around Saint Lucia, black represents volcanoes, black and white represent the country's two main ethnic groups, yellow symbolizes the beaches and sunshine of the island country. The triangle of white, black and yellow symbolizes Saint Lucia as an island country.

size0.75 inch
processingSoft ename with epoxy dome